CALLED TO HIS CROWN ________ Prominent Methodist Minis- ter Died Today. ________ Rev. James Smiley Porter, Who Came Here Recently for Benefit of
His Health. ________
Rev. James Smiley Porter, aged 47 years, died this morning at 5 o'clock
at the residence of his brother, H. P. Porter, commercial agent of the Sea- board Air Line. Rev. Porter came here two weeks ago from Marion, S.C., for the benefit of his health. HE was af- flicted with a bowel touble, and this was the cause of his death. Although a comparatively young man, Mr. Porter had been a minister of the gospel for twenty-five years, and was a successful worker in the Mas- ter's vineyard. His father, Rev. J. A. Porter, also a distinguished minister, was with him in his last illness. He leaves a wife and six children. Mrs. Porter, came here with him, but the children are all at the home in Ma- rion,S. C. A brother and six sisters survive him- H. P. Porter, Mrs. E. O. Johnson, Mrs. E. C. Blakeand Mrs. L. H.Williams, of this city; Mrs. M. I. McMillan, of Marion, S. C.; Mrs. G. W. Huggins, of Crosland, Ga, and Mrs. H. C. Bond, of Chattanooga, Tn Mr. Porter was a prominent Mason and also a member of the Woodmen of the World. The body has been embalmed and will be shipped Sunday to Marion, S. C., for interment accompanied by Rev. J. A. Porter, H. P. Porter and the widow. Earnest sympathy is extended the bereaved ones in their great sorrow. ---------------- PROMINENT MINISTER DIED. ________________ Rev. james S. Porter, Who Was Visiting His Brother Here. Rev. James Smiley Porter, aged 47, of Marion, S. C., died yesterday morn- ing at 5 o'clock at the residence of his brother, H. _Pl Porter, on Nebraska avenue. The Deceased is one of the most prominent Methodist ministers of the South, and came to Tampa two weeks ago for the benefit of his health. He leaves a brother and six sisters to morn his loss. The remains will be forwarded Sun- day to Marion, S. C., for interment. The father of the deceased, Rev. J. A. Porter, the widow, and H. P. Porter will accompany the remains to their last resting place. __________________
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