1922 Democratic Primary Registration 

Mrs. F. L. Ezell has been appointed registration officer for Election District No. 10, who will keep open the Leesburg primary book during the month of March and up to April 5, each week day, from 9 to 12 m., and from 3 to 5 p. m., at A. B. Efird's store.
Only Democrats are to be registered as no other party is eligible under the law to participate in the primary election to be held June 6.
The terms and conditions on which legal electors may become members of the Democratic Party are as follows: That they are white persons; that they believe in the principles of the democratic party, and that they will support and vote for the nominees of said party at the general election to be held Nov. 7, 1922.
General Election books will be opened in August and September for the registration of such persons as do not intend to participate in the Democratic primary. H. J. Peter, County Supervisor, as well as other Supervisors of the State, were of the opinion that female voters would only be liable for the 1921 poll tax. Attorney General Buford, however, to end all uncertainly about the matter, has decided that women are not exempt for either year, and must pay two years poll taxes 1920 and 1921 in order to qualify to vote in the primary election.
Those desiring to take part in the Democratic Primary June 6th are urged to register this week as the Registration books will close at 6 p. m., April 4th,
It is important that the women register and take up their responsibility as citizens.
A fact to be impressed upon women is that whether or not we desire to vote, it is our duty as American citizens to do so. Women have been honored by having been given the right to vote so shoulder the responsibility given us and vote in the Democratic Primary June 6th.
Registration Officer District No. 10.

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